![]() Hiatus is over and I'm happy to announce my schedule is open for online readings! I love combining the sacred tools of tarot & astrology in my readings. Connecting with clients and helping them get clarity about their most pressing issues is such a privilege. If your life seems more challenging than usual lately, something cosmic might be affecting your personal sky map! You may be in the midst of a major life transit. As above, so below...
![]() While it's been a few years since I went to the Musée Français de la Carte à Jouer, it's about time I shared some photos of the tarot and Lenormand cards that I viewed during my visit. The pièce de résistance is one of the oldest known tarot cards, a 15th-century hand-painted gold-stamped work. I also share photos of some fascinating antique playing cards. There are many cards in their collection as you'd imagine. Please excuse some of my photos. I shot these in 2015 using a Samsung Note 2, so the photos just don't compare to current smart phones. That, plus the challenge of taking photos through display glass sometimes made it difficult to capture the cards. (They keep it dim in there, which actually made browsing the museum's collection a delight!) I did spend some time adjusting the photos in an app to try to improve them, but there's nothing I could do about light reflection. I hope you still enjoy looking through these! A peek at one of the new cards in the second edition Divine Muses Oracle. ![]() Sometimes we get stuck in dualistic thinking. Either/or. Right or wrong. Us vs. them. But what would happen if we transcended this type of thinking? There are numerous ways of being that are not expressed in the binary. We don’t have to choose just one option. This or that. We can go beyond the binary. There’s magic to be had here. Either/or thinking becomes both/and thinking. The archetype is the Divine Androgyne—the Divine And. This archetype is a reflection of the alchemical Rebis. The Divine Masculine & Divine Feminine are two parts of the wholeness that is the Divine. By making sharp distinctions we are blinded to the fact that all opposites in reality spring from the same source, and that the whole of creation is in truth still one. The opposites, and the material world which they constitute, are a subjective reality, and the enlightened mind can see through this to the unity which is its true nature. For the past few months, I’ve been reflecting how this energy shows up for me, what its role has been in our society, how it has been hidden, and how it’s resurfacing or needing to. >>>>>
While I was creating a Reels for Instagram, The High Priestess card came up to remind us of the Dark Moon energies we are entering.
The Dark Moon is the Moon for priestess magic. The time to tap into your mystical or spiritual discipline, to quiet down and hear / understand the teachings intuitively. Moon entered Pisces early this morning and the New Moon in Pisces is Saturday at 2:21am PST! This is an invitation to recharge your mind and body if you've been feeling emotionally drained. May you be restored during this time.
![]() This Full Moon Lunar Eclipse is exact tonight at 9:44pm PDT in Capricorn. It’s the USA’s birthday too, and it has been experiencing major difficult times. I keep talking about shadow work in my astrology posts, but, it’s a Capricorn Lunar Eclipse, and he rules the Devil card, so it comes up again! The Devil card is about the shadow and the ego. He shows us where we have attachment and fear. It’s the card of materialism and being addicted to stuff, like money. It’s also the card of bondage and enslavement. ![]() Can you believe it’s Summer?! It honestly doesn’t feel like it to me. But, it has been rainy and gray today here in Portland, and that vibe is certainly reflecting in the astrology. We have a potent Solstice Solar Eclipse that is exact tonight 11:41PM PDT. The New Moon moves into Cancer at 11:02PM and the Sun moves into Cancer at 2:44PM. Which means that this powerful Solar Eclipse portal is a Cancerian one. It is emotionally-based with a focus around home, family and femininity. We will likely be super sensitive, needy and want to snuggle in with people or things for comfort. Happy Mother’s Day to all the mamas! Here’s some of the Empress’s creative magic to bless your day.
The first photo is the Lua Tarot's Empress. The second photo show Empress cards from: The Pagan Otherworlds Tarot, Dark Goddess Tarot, Victorian Romantic Tarot, Modern Witch Tarot, Majestic Earth Tarot, and the Antiquarian Tarot ![]() The last Major Arcana card for the Lua Tarot is done. Here is Justice! If you’re a Libra, or have a Libra Ascendent, this is one of your tarot card archetypes. With everything going on in the world there are some lessons that this archetype brings and one of those lessons is balance. In a world where everything seems so dichotomous, Justice teaches us to find the center. She teaches us the lesson of the middle path. On this spectrum of reality there are many perspectives, and somehow (at least in this country) we’ve come to have deeply polarized reality maps of our ideals and our society.
![]() Now that NWTS is over, I’m going to start working on the Lua Tarot again. I had a sample deck at NWTS with the completed cards. Here are three of them. I’ve been personally working with these three archetypes this year. Strength and the Hermit are my year cards...and the Empress is my Soul card. A reading with these cards would look like: Withdraw and find Strength in your inner wisdom. If you’re isolating, nourish your creativity. Stay grounded and trust your inner wise Self. ![]() Scorpionic astrology is upon us! Here are the corresponding cards from the Antiquarian Tarot and my divine musings. Sun went into Scorpio today! -- New Moon will also be in Scorpio Sunday (if you don’t know, New Moons are always the same as the Sun sign bc they are in conjunction) -- Mercury in Scorpio will go retrograde on Halloween! (Forewarned is forearmed!) Also Venus has been in Scorpio and will be until Nov. 1st. The Divine Muses Oracle pre-orders have all been packed up and shipped out! Your package is making its way to you, if it hasn't already arrived! You should have received tracking information via email. If you didn't receive it, please check your junk mail. If it's not there, please contact me and I will give you that information ASAP. Today I want to share with you some ways I have been using this oracle set. I will be focusing on the new Holistic Magick Spread that I shared with you last month. This spread has two parts. The four outer cards are the four quarters/corners of Earth, Air, Fire & Water. The three on the inside represent the holistic trine of body, mind & spirit. How to throw the spreadI wanted to take a moment to show you the best way to get your cards in and out of your bag, since it's a slightly snug fit at first. The video below demonstrates how to do this. Hope this helps! I've used these bags for years and I am a bit obsessed with them. They're durable, padded, and the zipper is YKK brand too! If you're not familiar, YKK has the best quality zippers around. They seal up tight when zipped up and are treated in such a way that they shed water, and keep it from seeping through to your cards.
I'm not saying these zippers are waterproof, nor is the bag. However this zippered pouch does add some protection from the elements, which is an added bonus...especially when traveling. It's so easy to toss into your luggage or purse without worry! Happy Samhain! Here is something a little different—a leisurely browse through some Halloween decks in my collection. A kind of creepy fun Show and Tell. Grab a cup of something hot and spiced—this one is almost half an hour long. I hope you will enjoy this video of me chatting about some wicked tarot and oracles.
Here are the decks mentioned in the video: A fellow card reader, Judy Kerr, posted this video in our study group and I just had to post it here too. You will see her old pack of Dondorf Lenormand cards are so well loved that some of the cards are taped together to keep from falling apart. The well-worn deck appears to have been passed down to her? This woman is beautiful, and I love her rings!