My first unpacking of the USA's Pluto Return is in this post, which I wrote when it stationed retrograde (Rx) in April. I wanted to write more on Pluto Return since Pluto just stationed direct (October 6th) after being Rx for 6 months! The synchronicity of this astro event is really interesting, considering it's on the heels of the Facebook whistleblower's testimony yesterday, and after FB shut down for part of the day! In my opinion, much of the struggle the USA seems to be facing during its Pluto Return is the deepest divisiveness and polarization, which seems to have been fomented by the FB algorithm's preference for negative posts since they get the most engagement. Tristan Harris, Founder of the Center for Humane Technology, recently stated after Frances Haugen's testimony that: We are more profitable if we are addicted, outraged, irritable, disinformed, and polarized than if we're a human being. I believe that his statements about what Facebook/social media is doing to society really reflects the current Plutonic energy. Pluto is about what's unconscious and in the shadow, the power over/power under dynamics, and the underlying motives that drive people. As I said in my Pluto retrograde post, Pluto transits tend to reveal and magnify dark unconscious truths that undermine established orders. I think this year's retrograde Pluto was ripe for exposing the dark underbelly of our biggest social network. As above, so below. Pluto Rx during the USA's Pluto Return is reflecting this collective regression. It has sometimes felt like we were going backwards too. Haugen's testimony shows that intensity, and certainly reveals where things have been regressing socially, since most of our social interactions are online now. And, this is having darker ramifications beyond the USA if you consider countries like the Philippines, which has been grappling with political turmoil at the unrestrained hands of "the Algorithm." And more, like the dark secrets that Haugen reveals about the exploitation of people, teens particularly, all for the devouring bottom line. Pluto reveals the dark truth. In that Pluto post, I was hopeful that by the time Pluto stationed direct, we would start seeing some forward momentum in the collective. It seems that Haugen's revelations have the potential to bring the elements necessary to wake people the f*** up. Which brings me to tarot! As a tarot reader, I have to mention how Pluto, the Great Destroyer, Transformer, and Redeemer is connected to the tarot's Judgement card, which is all about great realizations and revelations. So, now that Pluto is moving forward, hopefully we see some changes. I do wonder if Frances Haugen's testimony will be enough to wake people up for transformation? Even if FB doesn't do a thing, we the people have the power to keep asking questions and the choice to opt out. Opt out of the online toxic environment and everything associated with it. As always, the deeper work that we do individually automatically adjusts the collective energies (as within, so without). Can we step into our fullest self-responsibility and self-accountability? Over the years, I have heard many talk about the positives of connecting with people we love online. But, it seems that the algorithm doesn't even show us their lovely and/or unexciting posts. Now we know, it's because those posts don't make FB money! Social media has become a net negative. The double-edged sword's handle is a blade. As we progress through USA's Pluto Return, we need to continue to question the status quo and keep peeling back the layers to reveal the deeper truth of what's at the core of possibly the most polarizing time in history. One of my astrology teachers once said that Pluto is the roto-rooter of the planets. Its archetypal significance is to clear out the crap. With Pluto, the planet of transformation, things cannot stay the same. Even with Pluto direct, we are still being asked to look at what's below the surface. What hasn't been working? This is the time to bring it up and out to be faced. The USA's Pluto Return will be exact on Feb 20, 2022 and it will be exact for two years, until 2024! So, there will be lots of time to explore and observe the Plutonian energies. Although Pluto's archetype is often considered malefic, the lessons that surface during his transits can be deeply transformational and evolutionary; IF we choose to be open for the growth and change.
It's been an emotional and intense year to be sure. Pluto may be destructive, but his archetype is related to both Death and Rebirth. Pluto's positive side brings cathartic regeneration and empowerment! Sometimes we have to break things down to break through. That's part of evolution! And, that's what the tarot's Judgement card is all about.
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