Happy Full Moon in Aquarius! The Antiquarian Tarot is featured in the Tarot Art section of the Cartomancer, Volume 2 - Issue 3. This is a quarterly tarot journal now in its second year.
The article says that the Antiquarian Tarot's Companion Guidebook will be released in late 2016, early 2017. However, I'm happy to report that the release is now planned for September 2016. I apologize, but the Antiquarian Tarot is still out of stock, but it will be available when the book launches. I'm so excited to put this out and to rerelease the Antiquarian Tarot deck with it. Being that it is an Aquarius Full Moon, I feel that it is necessary to express my sincerest gratitude to those of you who have supported my work thus far. Big thanks to Jadzia and Jay at the Cartomancer for featuring my deck.
I'm practically finished! The book layout is complete and the book cover's design is done. I'm just waiting to hear back from my editor who is doing a final pass-through for me. It looks like the book will be 385 pages. It will include all the images from the deck, as well as information about the cards and my artwork.
Here are the Table of Contents to give you an idea of what to expect from my guidebook. Exciting news! The Antiquarian Tarot Companion Guidebook is almost finished. I have an editor doing another pass through it before I send it to the book printer. Also, the last details of the book cover are coming together.
I am feeling really close to completion. It is looking like an early September release at the latest. The Antiquarian Tarot deck will be re-released with the book. Thanks for your patience and support! |