![]() The Retreat card generally means it’s time to pause and create space for solitude & silence. Or, it may be necessary to take a long break, especially if you’ve been burning the candle at both ends. Another message, here locally at least, is needing to Retreat from the heat. The weather app says it’s supposed to be 115° (45.5° C) here! If you don’t know, many people in the Pacific NW USA don’t have AC, so this weather event can be quite dangerous here. There are cooling centers in the area for those seeking reprieve from the heat. I am taking a break from work and am officially on vacation Friday, June 26th to Monday, July 5th. I won't be shipping items from the shop or replying to emails during this time. If you place an order, items will ship Tuesday, July 6th. Thanks for your patience & understanding while I'm away. Stay safe and hydrated. Summertime blessings!
![]() Blessings to all this Super Strawberry Moon in Capricorn! I’m about to go on a little vacation and I always pack a travel altar with me. I usually use a small metal box, which I store my little altar items. I’ll be using the Lua Tarot’s box as my travel altar this time. It’s like a diorama shrine. I’ll pack my altar items in a velvet bag to protect them and put the deck back in the box. The 2nd edition Lua Tarot will be back in the shop second week in July! I'll post here when it is available, please subscribe to be notified. Shine bright like the sun. Happy Solstice! Happy Pride!
1970 1JJ Swiss Tarot on the Celestial Spheres Mat A peek at one of the new cards in the second edition Divine Muses Oracle. ![]() Sometimes we get stuck in dualistic thinking. Either/or. Right or wrong. Us vs. them. But what would happen if we transcended this type of thinking? There are numerous ways of being that are not expressed in the binary. We don’t have to choose just one option. This or that. We can go beyond the binary. There’s magic to be had here. Either/or thinking becomes both/and thinking. The archetype is the Divine Androgyne—the Divine And. This archetype is a reflection of the alchemical Rebis. The Divine Masculine & Divine Feminine are two parts of the wholeness that is the Divine. By making sharp distinctions we are blinded to the fact that all opposites in reality spring from the same source, and that the whole of creation is in truth still one. The opposites, and the material world which they constitute, are a subjective reality, and the enlightened mind can see through this to the unity which is its true nature. For the past few months, I’ve been reflecting how this energy shows up for me, what its role has been in our society, how it has been hidden, and how it’s resurfacing or needing to. >>>>> ![]() The Lua Tarot has been featured in PARQ Magazine, a Portuguese trends magazine dealing with art, photography, fashion and urban lifestyle. “Portuguese American deck creator Maree Bento’s Lua Tarot is unusual in the way it manipulates obscure 19th Century engravings and is an attempt to create deck which appears at first glance historical yet is contemporary in its diversity and inclusiveness...” Read the full article in English by tarotist Roger Winstanley. We see things not as they are, but as we are ourselves -H.M. Tomlinson The Law of Reflection (aka the Law of Correspondences or the Law of Cause and Effect in the Kybalion) can be seen in the following ways:
“As within, so without, as without, so within.” The outer world is a reflection of our inner world. The world inside of us is the cause, the outer world is the effect. If we want to change the outer world (effect), we have to change the inner world (cause). The answer to most issues we seek to resolve can be found when we look inside—it begins with our thoughts and attitude. This card reflects that adage: Life is 20% what happens to you and 80% how you react. ![]() We’re in the midst of eclipse season! I pulled the Mystic Rapture card reversed from the Divine Muses Oracle and one of its reversed/shadow messages is about eclipse season reflection. Eclipses can bring change and force us to look at our Shadow. We are being asked to adapt & grow beyond the current perception of ourselves and that of the world. Eclipses are an obscuration of the sun or moon, and this phenomenon reflects the darker side of our nature—or Shadow. If you are sensitive to energy, this reversed card is suggesting that you take heed during this eclipse season. >>>>> |