![]() Two bits of news. 1) I got my Lua Tarot sample cards today and 2) the Sun enters Pisces tonight at 8:57pm PST! Pisces is a highly emotional and sensitive sign. Its dual energy can present us with two sides. On one hand, Pisces are artistic, compassionate and sensitive, and highly mystical and psychic. On the other hand, they can become easily ungrounded, be isolating and tend towards denial, wanting to escape reality perhaps via addiction or dependency. ![]() Incoming. Mercury is going Rx. Forewarned is forearmed Mercury in Pisces enters its Storm on Thursday as it slows down and stations retrograde (Rx) Sunday, February 16 at 4:54pm PST and remains in Rx until March 9 (Storm until 3/19/20)! Are you feeling its effects yet? Mercury Rx is not favorable for new projects. It is the ideal time to review, reflect, regroup, rethink and redo! ![]() Here’s part of a card from my new deck, the Lua Tarot. Today at 12:02 pm PST, Venus goes into Aries. Venus in Aries is associated with the Four of Wands. This card is about sharing in the joy and festivities of a commemoration, such as a wedding, anniversary, birthday, or milestone of some sort. The message is about the gratitude and abundance we find in our community or home and the stability gained from them. Venus will be in Aries until March 4th. The transition today can create discomfort since Venus tends to focus on others and Aries is the sign of selfhood. If you are more of a giver, then the next four weeks will bring lessons around how to accept things...like love...and other gifts from others. Venus in Aries wants to make love and mischief. Their combo brings adventure (and risk), excitement and passionate creativity! |