Find out how to register for my grand tableau class and other Lenormand, tarot and oracle classes at NW Tarot Symposium in Portland, Oregon, March 6th-8th. This is year six of NWTS!
I'll have a booth in the vending hall, which is free to attend! I'll have all of my decks and books for sale. AND...I'll be showing the progress of my two latest decks that I'm currently working on. If you're planning on attending, please come by and say hi!
![]() Out with the old, in with the new! The New Moon in Aquarius begins at 1:42pm PST. Today's double Aquarius energy (Sun and Moon, but Mercury has also been in Aquarius) brings the Tarot Star’s energy. Though Aquarius is an air sign, she's the Water Bearer, bringing renewal and new ideas. Aquarius is the visionary, the inventor, the humanitarian, and the revolutionary. And she brings progress! Some astrologers believe that the Age of Aquarius dawned in the 60s, but others say that the Aquarian Age hasn't really begun—that December 21st's Great Jupiter-Saturn Conjunction will be the true gateway to the Age of Aquarius. (That conjunction will be in Aquarius.) I think it's a bit of both. That we've been in that doorway of transition! (If you don't know an astrological age lasts 2000 to 2100 years, and we're leaving the Age of Pisces.)
![]() Received a prototype of the Magical Child Oracle cards that I completed so far. My intention is for this to be a children’s / inner child deck. The seeds of this idea began during the making of the Magical Child card from the Divine Muses Oracle. I still have a lot of work to do with the Magical Child Oracle, but I wanted to see how they would look/work as cards. I had them printed in mini and standard tarot size. I think I may also release them as a set, one for the parent (standard size) and the mini size for their child. I’m still working out the details of this deck, but wanted to share a few of the completed cards. ![]() Uranus stations direct today (5:49pm PST)! Uranus has been retrograde in Taurus since August 11th 2019. With today's Eclipse your positive choices and intentions have power. With Uranus going direct in Taurus, it is a powerful time to embody your rebellious side and break out of old habits. Taurus lessons can be around the physical body and material realm, so moving the body is a healthy way to break out of ruts: exercise, dance, or whatever movement you are craving. Perhaps it's through ritual or invocation, bringing the spiritual into the physical, and creating a practice. As I said in my Lunar Eclipse post, my word for the year is self-care, so I'm using Uranus direct's energy to help buoy my daily practice. How about you? What's this look like for you? ![]() Today is the Lunar Eclipse (exact a 11:21 am PST) in the Wolf Moon—the first of 13 moons of the year. And it’s in the sensitive and loving sign of Cancer. Eclipses can be intense, but they also offer us opportunities to take an honest assessment of the things that are not working and change them. With the Sun in Capricorn, it’s a time of stepping up to take responsibility for what isn’t working for us. ![]() We started off the year with some positive energy last week! We're into week two and there are already three potent cosmic events, making it an intense start—and not the best way—to the year. The Cancer Lunar Eclipse is Friday January 10th at 11:21 am (not visible from America). The year begins with Full Moon in Cancer and we will end the year with one too (though December 29th won’t be an eclipse)! This puts a spotlight on feminine energy (Cancer is a super feminine and maternal sign). This year will bring more awareness to the topic of feminine empowerment and leadership.