The Divine Muse Oracle is now complete! Timed right with the closing of the Eclipse Portal. ;) I have ordered the cards from the printer and am waiting to make final choices for the companion book, which has 263 pages and the same dimensions as the Antiquarian Tarot Companion Guidebook.
The deck will be released with a matching padded zipper case, similar to the one that came with the Antiquarian Tarot. I was tempted to also add a box to hold the deck, case and book, but this was going to raise the cost of the set a fair amount, so I decided against it. A proper reveal will be done soon! If you read my previous post, you'll know that I've kept this project close to the chest for various reasons. For now, I've included this online sneak peak of three of the cards: Lattice of the Soul (which reflects albedo, the whitening phase in alchemy), Astral Ascent and the Wounded Healer. My plan is to share more about this deck and how I'm using it soon. I'm finishing up last minute details and will have more time to contribute online after everything is at the printers. I hope you are having a great start to 2019!